Pinto-Garay, J. "CSR and Virtue Ethics: The Common Good of Firms, Markets, and Civil Society". In Routledge Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility. Routledge, 2021.
Pinto-Garay, J. "Can AI Emulate Soft-Skills? The Future of Human Work at Stak". In Lepeley, M.T., Beutell, N., Abarca, N., Essens, P., Majluf, N. (eds). Soft Skills for Human Centered Management and Global Sustainability. Springer, 2021.
Pinto-Garay, J. "Virtuous work and Organizational Culture: How Aristotelian Practical Wisdom can Humanize Business". In Morales, O, Lepeley, M.T., Essens, P., Beutell, N., Majluf (eds). Human Centered Organizational Culture: Global Dimensions. Routledge, 2021.