Bosch, M. J. & Hernández ,T (2020). A Closer Look to Millennials in Chile: How they perceive the new i-deal worker.

Companies are facing changes fro different perpectives. On one hand, talent is becoming more relevant for their success, there fore is a critical to al tract and retain them. On the other hand and is import to understand their expectations, motivations and values.

In these study, we will explore expectations, motivations, anda values of new generations (born after 1987) an associate them with the decision they make related to work. We wil differentiate between men and woman. They data for our study was collected in March 2017 using a ten-questions semi-structured survey focused on young people bletwenn 19 and 30 years of age in Chile.
Results show that work family balance is a very important aspect for new workin generations. One of the explanations is that a new generations place a high value on the family. Men and woman want to play an active role at their homes.


María José Bosch

Fecha de Publicación:

de del 2020