Las Heras, M., Bosch, M.J. & Raes, A. (2015). "Sequential Mediation among family friendly cultures and outcomes". Journal of Business Research, Vol. 68 (11), pp 2366 - 2373 .

Conciliación Trabajo y Familia

The purpose of this research is to examine the role of perceived organizational support and family supportive supervisor behaviors as mechanisms for relationships of family friendly organizational culture with employees' turnover intentions and satisfaction with work family balance. Using data from 13 companies our results indicate that perceived organizational support serves as a mechanism explaining why employees in family-friendly environments, those with family friendly organizational culture and/or family supportive supervisor behaviors, respond positively to those by increasing their commitment to the organization even when they do not directly benefit from a family-friendly environment. Our study contributes to the literature of work-family balance by (1) empirically validating the sequential mechanisms by which perceived organizational support promotes positive outcomes for the organization and the employees, and (2) exploring these effects on five different national contexts that had not been included in previous research.


María José Bosch

Fecha de Publicación:

01 de enero del 2015