Bosch, M.J (2016). Women in Management in Chile. In Women in Management Worldwide: Signs of progress. Gower.

The massive entry of women into the workforce has led to changes for families, businesses and for society. It has impacted the way we organize ourselves as families and as a society, as well as the roles and the composition of the modern family. The model in which women looked after the children and the home and the man provided for the economic livelihood of the family is no longer the reality of many Chilean families. As these roles change, family dynamics also change. Many women today want to develop personally within the workforce, receive remuneration for their work and contribute to their homes at both a personal level, but also in economic terms. The change we have seen in female workforce participation in Chile has been large in scale, but has not been as significant as expected, especially when compared with other countries where the level of female employment has been much higher. For example, Latin America reached an average of 54% in 2013 (INE, 2013a), and OECD countries, 63.8% (OIT, 2013). The average difference in workforce participation between men and women in Chile is higher than the average of OECD countries by 15 percentage points. Despite this low level of participation compared with other countries, Chilean women are aggressively joining the labor market. However, one of the problems we are facing as a country are the conditions in which they are doing so. Most women who work are subject to subcontracting, thereby limiting some of the legal rights that Chile has made progress on.


María José Bosch

Fecha de Publicación:

01 de enero del 2016