Yasin Rofcanin

Yasin Rofcanin

Grados Académicos

Doctor of Social Science, University of Warwick, Inglaterra.

Doctor of Business Administration, Boğaziçi University, Turquía.

MBA in Management and Organisational Behaviour, Master of Business Administration, Boğaziçi University, Turquía.

BA in Management, Bachelor of Arts, Boğaziçi University, Turquía.

Experiencia Actual

Co-director del Future of Work (FoW) Research Centre en la Universidad de Bath, School of Management, Inglaterra.

Profesor en Management Strategy & Organisation, Centre for Future of Work, Universidad de Bath, Inglaterra.

Profesor visitante en la Universidad Nacional de Singapur, IESEG Business School, Francia, y miembro del International Centre for Work and Family, IESE Business School, España.